
Ds visualizer for mac
Ds visualizer for mac

Every time I make changes to data, DbVisualizer complains that "no rows were affected by this edit", but the changes were actually made. For instance, I can't get DbVisualizer to show me the source of a selected table or view, I can't see triggers in the list. I've tried two available JDBC drivers with SQLite (the most prolific database on the Mac) and only get limited functionality. That takes a bit of fiddling which would scare off most users.

ds visualizer for mac

It's "Mac Look and Feel" setting makes DbVisualizer more palatable than most Java apps, but it's still a bit ugly and non-intuitive for Mac users.ĭbVisualizer, uses JBDC drivers to connect to the database. It's a Java app which limits a lot of Mac OS X integration (eg all the windows move in Spaces together) and some controls (such as tabbed panes) don't work in the standard Mac way.

ds visualizer for mac

Some of the tools and options aren't immediately obvious but very impressive once you find them. It has some data entry aids that really make it viable, such as automatic form view (on record per screen), adjustable grid views and filters for everything from table listing to rows of data. Reload or close of a grid with many rows (100K+), may be very slow if having an active filter or sortĭB Visualizer seems to be the most full featured SQL GUI tool out there.Occasional "Comparison method violates its general contract" error may be reported.Get app warning (red balloon) if clicking some links.The driver manager advisory pane at top should show next step suggestions in text rather than with icons.Can not set auto increment in create table for MySQL with 8.0.x driver.Need to support Database URL for Mongo starting with mongodb:// in addition to jdbc:mongodb://.

ds visualizer for mac

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  • Ds visualizer for mac